Written by Evie Goff, Susquehanna County Dairy Promotion Chairperson
Rachael Grosvenor, 2014/2015
Susquehanna County Dairy Princess passed her reign on to Taylor Sebring on May
22nd at the County Dairy Princess Pageant held at the Episcopal
Church in Montrose.
Taylor Sebring, Susquehanna County Dairy Princess & Brooke Marvin, Susquehanna County Alternate Dairy Princess. |
is the daughter of Brad and Cynthia Sebring of North Abington Township. Taylor
attends Abington Heights High School with future plans of attending Delaware
Valley University, studying dairy and animal science. As a Susquehanna
County 4-H member she has a dairy project, leasing Brown Swiss heifers from
Rogers Dairy Farm owned by Jim & Tina Rogers. Taylor and her brother and
three sisters along with her parents attend the Peckville Assembly of God
church. She loves everything agriculture related and plans to have a connection
to the land and animals her entire life.
Dairy Princess Brooke Marvin daughter of Earl and Sandra Marvin of Susquehanna
attends Blue Ridge High School. Brooke gets her dairy background living next
door to her Uncle Bill Boman’s dairy farm where he milks over 60 cows each day.
She is active in her church and enjoys volunteering her time to programs, such
as Special Olympics and Be a Hero as well as taking part in softball,
volleyball and basketball cheerleading at school.
The new Dairy Princess Taylor
Sebring and Alternate Dairy Princess Brooke Marvin will fulfill their duties
with support from Dairy Maids Kendra and Kaelynn Brant and Megan Johns and Dairy
Ambassadors Emory Bewley, Katrina Vidota, Alivia Hughes and Dana Nunemacher all
working together educating the public about the importance of dairy products in
their diets and being advocates for Susquehanna County dairy farmers.
Once again the evening program was
presented by former Susquehanna County Dairy Princesses, Olivia Mitchell-Zawiski, Callie Curley, Allison Kiefer, Mercedes Spickerman and Kelly Diaz-Young. Also taking part in the program were Pennsylvania State Dairy Princess
Ashley Mohn and Pennsylvania Dairy Princess and Promotion Administrative Director
Laura Daubert.
Olivia Mitchell-Zawiski 2010/2011
Dairy Princess welcomed everyone to Pageant followed by 2011/2012 Princess
Allison Kiefer introducing each member of Susquehanna County’s dairy court as
they took their place on stage.
Maids Kendra Brant, Kaelynn Brant and Megan Johns each stepped forward making
comments about their relationship to dairy and spoke a bit about how they will
be fulfilling their responsibilities as Dairy Maids. Next to speak were Dairy
Ambassadors Katrina Vidota, Alivia Hughes and Dana Nunemacher each with
promotion plans they will be carrying out. Crown Bearer Chelsea Empet made a
few comments about her families’ farm. Emory Bewley was unable to attend
however Callie Curley 2012/2013 Dairy Princess read a speech prepared by Emory
outlining her experiences as a Dairy Ambassador. Alternate Dairy Princess
Rachel Johnson then spoke of her year’s experience promoting the dairy
Princess candidates Brooke Marvin and Taylor Sebring each gave excellent
speeches related to the dairy industry and their promotion work plans during
the year ahead.
Dairy Princess and Promotion administrative director, Laura Daubert presented
and an award to Peggy Empet for her 25 years of service to the Susquehanna County
Dairy Promotion Program. Peggy spoke of her enjoyment being involved with the
county program.
2013/2014 Dairy Princess Mercedes Spickerman
presented outgoing Princess Rachael Grosvenor with a scholarship award provided
by the county dairy promotion committee to use as she continues her education
as a nursing student at Misericordia University.
also commented on the importance of the promotions the girls have done this
past year mentioning the many school promotions done to encourage children to
include three servings of dairy in their diet each day. The 2014/2015 girls
completed over 240 promotions around Susquehanna County.
Allison Kiefer presented top
scrapbook awards to Emory Bewley, Alivia Hughes, Katrina Vidota, Rachael
Grosvenor and Rachel Johnson.
Grosvenor gave a very emotional farewell speech complementing the members of
her court on the excellent job they did working with her during the past year. Rachael
felt very blessed to have had the opportunity delivering the message around
Susquehanna County of the importance of the dairy industry and reminding folks
everywhere she went about including dairy products in their diet. Susquehanna
County dairy promotion team members were very proud when Rachael received the
honor of becoming a PA State Alternate Dairy Princess in September of 2014.
Rachael now had the duty of promoting the dairy industry not only in
Susquehanna County but throughout Pennsylvania.
The program continued as 2014/2015 Alternate
Dairy Princess Rachel Johnson crowned the new Alternate Dairy Princess Brooke
Marvin and Dairy Princess Rachael Grosvenor crowned the new Susquehanna County
Dairy Princess Taylor Sebring assisted by crown bearer Chelsea Empet.
The evening concluded with a
reception to meet and congratulate Susquehanna County’s dairy promotion team
and browse the scrapbooks on display.
Any school or organization wishing
to have the presence of members of the Susquehanna County Dairy Promotion team
at an event please contact County Chairperson Evie Goff at gofffarm@epix.net or 570-278-1212 or the new
Dairy Princess Taylor Sebring at tescakes@aol.com
or 570-563-8277.
your “3 Every Day” of dairy!
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