Susquehanna County Dairy Promotions Court

Susquehanna County Dairy Promotions Court

Monday, July 6, 2015

I Scream for Ice Cream

Written by: Brooke Marvin, 2015-16 Susquehanna County Alternate Dairy Princess

On a warm, summer day, what do you think of? I, Brooke Marvin, think of my favorite treat or in other words, ice cream!
Brooke Marvin
Susquehanna County Alternate Dairy Princess

As the Alternate Dairy Princess for Susquehanna County for 2015-2016, I uphold the opportunity to inform you about July being National Ice Cream Month! I am more than delighted to be involved within the community to promote and support the dairy industry. I am proud to say I live next door to my uncle’s farm in Jackson, Boman’s Dairy. It is a joy to be able to inform those in the public about the importance the dairy industry has in our community and the benefits it has to offer.

Back in 1984, President Ronald Reagan declared July to be “National Ice Cream Month.” Did you know ice cream was the first meal served to those who arrived on Ellis Island from 1892 to 1954?

The benefits ice cream has to offer are countless! Not only is it a treat on a hot, summer day, but a great source of nutrients. Ice cream is created by a process that churns and chills mixtures of milk and cream with other ingredients such as fruits and syrups. Any flavor of ice cream contains a vast amount of calcium and phosphorous as it offers a blast of energy due to the number of carbohydrates it obtains. Whether it be chocolate or vanilla, vitamins like A, C, D, and E can be found in the delicious treat as well! Although it does contain a rather high content of sugar and fat, ice cream does have a selection for every type of consumer. Stores carry low-fat or low-sugar ice cream products within their selection. There is surely a flavor and type for everyone.

So, how about we all MOO-ve on over to support our dairy farmers during National Ice Cream Month! What do you say, is it time for a tasty treat?

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